Our Animals
Grass fed red devon cattle
We’ve been breeding red devon cattle to ensure we can produce the highest quality beef. Red Devons thrive in our humid midwestern climate, and their genetics were never polluted by modern attempts to breed cattle for maximum feedlot efficiency. Our cows are parasite-resistant, and get fat quickly on our ridgetop meadows and lush valley pastures.
heritage pastured hogs
We raise several litter of heritage pig breeds every season. They are usually a mix of berkshire, large black, and red wattle. We make sure every paddock has access to shade, abundant forage, fruit and nut trees (in season), and small ponds to allow the pigs to do their very favorite thing every day - roll in the mud!
prairie Fed Chicken
We raise several batches of Freedom Ranger chickens across our restored native prairies every year. These are more of a heritage breed broiler chicken relative to the standard cornish cross breed. These birds retain the ability to run, fly, and hunt. With our twice daily moves, these birds get fresh forage and fresh insect hunting all day long.
Ramouillet Sheep
We love our flock of Rambouillet Sheep. As a close cousin to Merino, they produce an ultra fine, soft wool that we get spun into yarn at Ewetopia Fiber Mill just down the road in La Farge. The lambs produce excellent meat and super soft sheepskin rugs. We have 6 species of mint that grow on different parts of our farm, which the sheep nibble a little at a time. Next time you eat our lamb chops, see if you can taste the mint in the fat rind. No need for mint sauce!